The Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference, the most historic NCAA Division II athletic association located in beautiful Colorado Springs, Colo., with 15 member institutions around the Rocky Mountain region, is seeking a dynamic, self-motivated individual to fill the position of Director of Operations and Compliance. This annual renewable position is full-time with a preferably starting date no later than October 1, 2024.
Required Qualifications
A bachelor's degree, experience working in collegiate athletics, and a valid driver’s license. Strong communication, public speaking, and problem-solving skills. Attention to detail with strong organizational skills. Knowledge of budgeting, finances, NCAA compliance, Microsoft Office & Excel.
Preferred Qualifications
A master’s degree and at least three years of progressive work in collegiate athletics, preferably in a conference office. Experience in Division II athletics, leading athletic events, work with game officials, and evidence of responsiveness to the diversity of all 15 member institutions and its’ student-athletes.
Job Description
The Director shall be responsible for general administration of all accounts payable and receivable, assisting with end of year financials and annual audit, oversight of contractor bookkeeper including all files and statements, administration of NCAA Division II Strategic Grant, oversight of all coordinators of officials including payment of officials, all facets of Division II rules administration and interpretation, engagement with Division II staff and CCACA on compliance matters and legislation, National Letter of Intent oversight, and Division II Blueprint assistance with member institutions.
Salary and Benefits
The salary for this position shall start at $58,000. The Conference also offers a very competitive and comprehensive benefits package.
Cover letter, resume and three professional references are to be sent, electronically only (PDF), to “Hiring Committee” at rmac@rmacsports.orgonly. Communications sent to any other email recipient will not be recognized. Applications will be accepted until the position is filled. Priority will be given to applications received by September 13, 2024. The RMAC is an Equal Opportunity Employer. Women and minorities are encouraged to apply.
The Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference is a premier NCAA Division II conference located in the states of Colorado, Nebraska, New Mexico, South Dakota, and Utah. The RMAC currently competes in 22 NCAA Division II sports and has earned 63 NCAA Division II national championships and 54 national runners-up since 1992. Founded in 1909, the RMAC is the most historic athletic conference headquartered in the western United States and also in Division II. (Updated: 5/1/24)